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10 facts about sleep talking that may surprise you

Including the reason some people talk in their sleep.

February 18, 2020

Georgina Berbari

I talk in my sleep a lot. It ranges from gibberish to perplexing sentences to odd, slightly alarming yelps. I wouldn’t have known, however, until my partner told me.

Maybe you’re a sleep-talker too. Or perhaps you share a bed with a chatty snoozer that you kind of wish would save their monologues for daytime hours. Whichever is the case, keep reading for 10 facts about sleep talking that may surprise you.

Tell me about it …

  1. Sleep talking is actually a sleep disorder known as somniloquy.
  2. Often, sleep talking is genetic — so, if you have it, chances are family members do too.
  3. Sleep talking is most likely to be understandable to a bed partner during the REM stage of sleep (during the other stages, it’ll just sound like gibberish).
  4. Sleep talking tends to occur more in men and children.
  5. It’s common for children to grow out of somniloquy. Only an estimated 5% of adults are sleep-talkers.
  6. Causes of sleep talking can include sleep deprivation, stress, alcohol, drugs, a fever, anxiety and depression.
  7. Sleep talking isn’t dangerous or problematic. The only reason it might be of concern is if it starts after a person turns 25. Then, somniloquy may be related to another medical issue.
  8. Sleep talking may go away for years and then reoccur.
  9. Somniloquy can usually be explained biologically. But there could also be a spiritual component such as stirred-up emotional trauma. Or the body unconsciously processing internal conflicts.
  10. Usually, sleep talking lasts no longer than 30 seconds.

The bottom line?

There’s really no treatment necessary for sleep talking. However, if your somniloquy is disturbing your sleep or your partner’s, there are lifestyle changes that can potentially reduce the frequency of your late-night monologues.

According to the Sleep Foundation, following a regular sleep schedule, can help with reducing the frequency and severity of sleep talking.

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