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9 foods that can soothe upset stomachs

If you've got gas, bloating, or a fussy tummy, try eating these foods which can calm things down.

May 14, 2020

Andrea Atkins

Stomach cramps. Gas. Bloating. Whether it’s a certain food that just didn’t sit well, overeating, anxiety, or a stomach virus, sometimes your tummy just feels awful. When that happens, you need relief. (Keep in mind that certain foods — dairy, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower, and even gluten — can do a number on the stomach. So, you may want to try taking them out of your diet and seeing if the symptoms go away.)

If you’re looking to settle your stomach, try eating these foods.

1. Mint

Sip mint tea. It relieves gas and decrease cramping. However, mint also relaxes the high-pressure zone between the esophagus and stomach and may give people heartburn.

If you’re prone to heartburn, you might try chamomile tea or another soothing herb tea. Avoid sugarless mint gum because its artificial sugars may cause gas, bloating and burping.

2. Rice

Rice is an easy-to-digest food that increases the absorption of fluid. Eating some white rice when you’ve had the runs may restore stool to normal and make the stomach feel better because the starch of the rice coats the stomach.

3. Ginger

To relieve nausea or vomiting, try ginger. It has anti-nausea properties. You can pour boiling water over slices of ginger and let it steep for several minutes. Or find prepared ginger tea at the grocery store.

4. Aloe juice

Extracted from the aloe plant, commonly used to soothe burns, aloe juice has been known to coat the stomach, relieve heartburn, and stomach aches. The juice, sold in health food stores, can also help push toxins out of the system and clear things out. But keep in mind that it can also act as a laxative, so watch how much you take.

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5. Bananas

This easy to peel fruit is easy to eat—and digest when the belly feels blah. Bananas can also help firm up your stool. They have potassium, which is good for you if you’ve been unable to eat due to prolonged illness.

6. Toast

Toast is a good option when you feel a little hungry after stomach distress. Top it with jam and you’ve got an easily digestible mini meal that your tummy will tolerate. And give the body some sugar as well.

Health web sites suggest that the char that forms when you burn toast can have a soothing effect on the stomach. So, you may want to try overcooking it a bit. 

7. Fennel

High in antioxidants, fennel is known to have natural anti-gas properties. And can also help flush toxins from your system. Try eating a half a teaspoon of fennel seeds or cut some fresh fennel to chew on.

8. Apple cider vinegar

Did you know apple cider vinegar is a fermented juice made from apples? Upset stomach is sometimes believed to be caused by a lack of acid in the stomach, not too much acid, as is commonly assumed. When too little acid is the case, putting more acid in the tummy can help.

Apple cider vinegar also contains a host of nutrients including vitamin B and vitamin C. The vinegar itself can be strong to the taste, so mix a tablespoon or two in hot water, add a little honey, and you’ll be good to go.

9. Plain yogurt

You may benefit from the probiotics in plain unsweetened yogurt, particularly if you have diarrhea that has been caused by a course of antibiotics. The yogurt may add healthy bacteria to the gut, which can reduce pain and make it feel better.

Smoothie add-ins: 10 supplements that can boost health benefits

A good smoothie — mixed at home or store-bought — starts with a base of your favorite fruits and vegetables. Add the right supplements to the produce-packed blend to turn it into a nutritional powerhouse. Here are some top supplements dietitians recommend.

1. Protein powder

Why you want it: Protein helps rebuild muscles.

You can get protein from whole food sources, like yogurt, cottage cheese, or tofu. But people may find it more convenient to add a protein powder.

Protein powder is a plus. You’ll want 20+ grams of protein if your smoothie is a meal. 

2. Chia, hemp, and flax seeds

Why you want them: These seeds are all good sources of healthful, anti-inflammatory fats that can lower the risk of chronic disease. Chia is fantastic for fiber. Hemp hearts are excellent sources for omegas and protein. 

3. Nut butters

Why you want them: Nut butters provide protein, fiber, and healthy fats, and also vitamins and minerals. The fiber in nut butters is good for more than just the digestive system. It can help keep cholesterol and blood sugar levels in check as well. Plus, nut butters also add a nice texture to a smoothie. 

Just keep an eye on the total fat. If you’re adding both seeds and nut butters to a smoothie, you might be packing in too many calories. A total of one to two tablespoons is a good range for most people.

4. Collagen powder

Why you want it: Collagen powder may help protect joints and tendons from wear and tear. And may reduce wrinkling. Don’t use it in place of protein powder, though—it doesn’t help rebuild muscles.

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5. Walnuts

Why you want them: Walnuts provide omega-3 fatty acids, which could help reduce the risk of heart disease, depression, and dementia. The fatty acids in walnuts could also help you stay calm and relaxed, since they help regulate dopamine and serotonin

6. Oats

Why you want them: Oats contain a type of soluble fiber that may help reduce the risk of heart disease. They also add texture and a hearty flavor.

7. Turmeric

Why you want it: Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, has been shown in some studies to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric may be trendy for a reason. 

8. Cardamom

Why you want it: Cardamom can increase the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds in the diet. Those compounds may help fight heart disease and cancer.

9. Dark chocolate

Why you want it: High-quality dark chocolate may help alleviate anxiety by increasing serotonin levels. Just remember to go easy—chocolate can be high in calories. 

10. Beetroot

Why you want it: Beetroot may raise nitric oxide levels in the body, which could help lung capacity, blood flow, and muscle contraction. That’s a plus for people who work out regularly.

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